
Friday, October 14, 2011


Source: None via Erin on Pinterest

There are certainly too many to count. 

I don't know about you but I am most certainly a words of affirmation type person. It's my natural way to let people know that I love them to affirm and praise through words. It's also one of the main ways that I like to receive love. When someone praises me in word, I remember it for ages and it means a lot to me. Words of affirmation is my love language.

I really wanted to write down today something that just happened, so that I won't forget. And to be reminded down the track too.

There is a lovely family in our school community who is moving interstate next week. I taught their eldest child two years ago. It was a challenging year for several reasons. The child has some special learning needs and this made school less than a safe and happy place normally. We were all getting used to what worked for the child, how we could best support them and how to make them feel safe and happy at school. Their mum, who I now consider my friend, would say that they are not an easy family. I respectfully disagree.  Certainly their situation is somewhat unique and there was a fair amount of time spent considering this individual child's needs throughout the year, but it was a delight. In my career it's often been the 'hard' kids that leave the biggest mark. 

I love that this family came to my wedding. That at the last possible minute, the child decided to come too. Dressed in Saturday house clothes this child who found change and social interaction challenging was first to run to my car and to thrust a letter into my hand. I teared up seeing them there. I was so glad that they made it. I love this family.

They have celebrated other milestones in my life too. A card when we bought our new home. A gorgeous gift when we found out we were pregnant. And there have been lots of chats along the way too.

Tonight when their mum and I were having a chat after school she spoke to me of the impact myself and another teacher had had on their eldest and their family. I teared up but kept it together. I will really miss them. 

To be told that I was a God-given gift to them (and that they are atheists so that's saying something!) :) That the love that I showed for their child made a difference. That they know the motivation for that love came from my faith. That although school times haven't always been great, they don't regret being here because of those two years with another teacher and myself.

That is the affirmation that I thrive on. That touches me and validates who I am and what I do. 

I can't wait to be a mum, but I have a feeling that I am going to really miss the special relationships that form between wonderful  families like this one. 


Fill the blank Friday!

SO GLAD that it is Friday today. 
Week one back at school has been good, but really tiring. It's amazing how much the energy levels are impacted by a few more weeks of baby growing!

Playing along with Lauren.

1.   The most selfless thing I've ever done was also one that I've wanted forever, so really it feels like it's for me too.  You do feel  pretty selfless at times though when you're pregnant. My body is no longer my own! 
2.   When it comes to working out I am lazy! I like to walk with others and I have been going to a mum's in training class, which makes me exercise. I don't think that I will ever love it though!

3.  A woman should always make sure that she takes care of herself as well as others. 

4. I wish I could multiply my time and then I'd finish all those jobs that need doing... and still have time for fun!

5.  A best friend is a god-send, absolutely necessary, someone who has seen you at your best and worst and loves you just the same.

6.  I can't get enough of pinterest!

7.  This weekend I am doing a whole lot of nothing much! Putting in some quality time with the hubby and enjoying some time in the sun. Ooo and cleaning the spare room for our English visitors soon!

What about you?!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fill the blank

Playing along with Lauren again... late!

1.   Something popular that I can't stand/just don't "get" is the mustache thing. I REALLY don't get it. What is so cool about putting mustaches on things?

2.   Something unpopular that I secretly love is taping Dr Phil everyday and watching it after work or on the weekend.

3.  When I've had a bad day I like to head home, watch some TV and surf my google reader and pinterest.

4. I'd prefer a night in with friends  to a night on the town any day.

5.  Something that makes me nervous is the thought that I may not enjoy being a stay at home mum, when it is what I've always wanted.

6.  Something worth fighting for is love. It's always worth it.

7.  When people think of me, I hope they think that I am a good wife, friend and mum. That I love my family and friends.


Happy 9th October 2011.

Here's some views from today.

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