
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fill the blank: right now

1.   Blogging is   a way that I receive creative inspiration and that I record the events in my life- both for me and for others.  It's amazing to me that people choose to stop by and read my thoughts! 

2.  A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is... Hmm... I can't say that I'm really a fashionista. I tend to wear what I like rather than what's the fashion.

3.  My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is buying my first home and marrying an awesome many who loves me to bits and I adore him too. xoxo

4.  If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose the beach today. It would be lovely to chill out in a hammock for a few days.

5.  A talent I wish I had is not caring about what others think of me and not guessing what people think.

6.  A talent I do have is singing and being creative.

7.  This week has been long and challenging!


  1. Here's to hoping that this week is short and not challenging! :-)

  2. p.s. Beck...I tried to reply to you via email but got no-reply you want to get email responses back? If you do, do these steps:
    1. Click on the Customize link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
    2. Click on the Dashboard link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
    3. Click on Edit Profile, which is on the left hand side of the screen next to your picture.
    4. This will take you to the Edit User Profile screen.
    5. Look in the Privacy section.
    6. Check the box that says, "Show my email address".
    7. In the Identity section, enter in an email address.
    8. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on Save Profile.

    That way, I can respond when you post on my blog! :-)

  3. Thanks for your comment Mrs. Fine! :) I have now created a new email address just for the old blog! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my little blog!
I love to read your comments and to know that you've been here. I always try to write back too! :)

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