
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 weeks

Before heading off to work 

I said a little while ago on here that I had had a bit of a rough week. Don't get me wrong... nothing terrible has happened, but we just had some surprising news in the form of a failed glucose challenge test then glucose tolerance test. I was *just* over in both of these results which earns me the delightful label of 'Gestational Diabetes'. This is no big deal. It is very common. Being very overweight in the past and still carrying a few extra kilos has contributed, as has being 30 or over and having diabetes in the family.

The part of the label that I found most difficult was that I felt I was being judged. Although I feel that I am looking pretty good at the moment and prior to pregnancy, my mind went back to 'fat Beck' and I felt judged as that too. It was a dark few days, not helped by the fact that I was having some pelvic pain also, which is now well under control.
You can see below though that it's not all bad! I am smiling lots still! I have decided to take this on with an 'I'll prove them wrong' attitude! I am eating so well- loads of salad and veggies, more protein than normal and less carb., no sugar at all. I've actually lost 2kgs in the last 2 weeks which is certainly not the intention. The hospital knows and is fine with it, we're just keeping an eye on things. I am certainly not hungry or feeling deprived. My blood sugar levels (which I test 4 times a day) have for the most part been low, with the exception of 3 readings which can be put down to slowly eaten healthy meals when entertaining and testing my sugars a little too early. I'm walking around 30mins a day too which I'm actually enjoying!        

I'm back at the hospital tomorrow for Diabetes Education session 2 and hopefully not a talk from the endocrinologist telling me that they want to put me on insulin. Be prepared for a sad blog entry or a long silence if that happens tomorrow!
I'm actually 31weeks today, but these photos were taken last week, at 30 weeks. My tummy has certainly popped more in the last 2 weeks and Braxton Hicks contractions are a daily occurrence.    

At one of our favourite places while showing Mark & Anna around

Mummy and Daddy!

Loving my bump... and my skinny jeans!

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