
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to work...

Day 1 with my new class yesterday. 21 little kiddies were in for the beginning of a new year of learning!
Above are some glimpses from my room at the end of the day yesterday. 

We each made a bird which lists lots of our likes and strengths.They are hanging together near our reading corner. 
I decided to cut up some coloured paper and sew together some bunting at home. I think that it makes the room look bright and cheery. The way I see it, I've got to be in that room for hours every day, I want it to be a nice place for me and the kids. :)
Yesterday we also made a birthday graph and interpreted lots of the data. I was most impressed with what they came up with- especially for 6 and 7 year olds!

Here's to another year...


  1. Ah, that sounds so cute! I love the bird idea!

  2. Wow! Your break was s-h-o-r-t. I feel like you just went on vacation. Is my life passing me by that quickly? ;-) Your room looks fun!


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