At 5 months
measurements taken 1/6/12 (5 days early!)
- weighs 8150g / 17lb 15oz (90th percentile)
- is 65.3cm long (75th percentile)... she's had a growth spurt!
- has a head circumference of 42.6cm (75th percentile)
- still wears some 000/0-3month closes on top, everything else is 00
- is still in crawler nappies
- giggles when she is tickled
- likes singing. Her favourites are 'the grand old duke of York' and 'incy wincy'
- slept for 10 hours in a row overnight... once! (7/5/12) then slept for another 1.5hrs!
- learned that peek-a-boo is a really fun game to play. Lots of laughing!
- started to play with mum's face, holding it in her hands
- loves her Lamaze giraffe best of all. She sucks his horns and ears like a dummy- which is good because she isn't keen on one of those!
- enjoys tummy time each morning when mummy has her shower.
- started eating solids! It all started when she grabbed an apple from my hand that I was eating and sucked it. Baby-led in style- starting off on whole foods- broccoli, apple, etc
- drank EBM from a cup for the first time
- battled with reflux and colic and would usually fall asleep around 11:30pm.
- is always smiley in the mornings! Lucky considering she keeps us up!
- kicks in the bath. Her bath is now a happy part of her nightly routine before bed.
- watched an episode of 'In the Night Garden' and loved it. She also loves the Baby Karaoke app on the iphone.
- lifts her head and shoulders when lying on her back. She sits momentarily without assistance.
- started grabbing my feet to play (22/5/12)
- had her first go in a jolly jumper. Immediately she was happy! She has always loved standing up so being able to do it independently was very exciting for her. She stands with very little support and beams when doing so.
- was dedicated at our church with family and friends attending. (27/5/12)
- finally worked out how to roll over from her tummy to her back (31/5/12)
Here she is!
Yeah for such great stats! She must be getting amazing mummy milk!
ReplyDeleteHave you tried a chiropractor for her reflux. I have had great success for both of my children and can recommend one in Mitcham that we go to. Just a thought as I know how distressing lots of crying can be.
The washing basket photos are just gorgeous.