
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Taking a deep breath

The other day was a challenge.
Tilly was NQR.
Her day and night sleeps were worse than normal (and that's saying something!)
There was extra settling and resettling going on and my back (and head!) were not feeling the best.
It was time for a walk and to meet daddy on the way home from work.

As we strolled along it was hard to not feel a little better.
The sun was shining.
The air was heavy with perfume from freesia and blossom.
There were ducks in the creek.
The breeze was warm.

When we got home I handed Tilly over to Tobes and spent some time in the front yard taking some photos on my phone. There is such beauty in that small space and my blossom tree takes my breath each time I see it! Here's some of my favourites.

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