
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fill the blank: New Years

I'm playing along with Lauren again for the last time this year. :) 
This time next week I may have a daughter... that is very strange! I hope that you guys have a lovely night tonight and a wonderful 2012!
Now... to the blanks...

1.   New Years is sometimes overrated! I enjoy the start of a new year and the fresh slate that it offers, but I think that people make too much of the new years eve celebrations and then are disappointed. My favourite nights have always been spent with close friends getting together for dinner and a few drinks.

2.   One of my New Year's resolutions will be to settle into life as a family of 3 and to be the best mum I can be!

3.  A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to lose weight and keep it off. That was around 5-6 years ago. I've pretty much done it! :)

4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was probably the weight loss one. It took a good couple of years to get to goal.

5.  This year I will be spending New Year's Eve with Toby. It will either be a very quiet night at home, most likely going to bed around 9:30pm, with Toby going to sleep earlier and me tossing and turning until midnight... OR it will be an eventful night in the hospital! :) 

6.  If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be to have a healthy little girl and for Tobes and I to be great parents, while maintaining our relationship at the same time.

7.  2012 is going to be monumentally different to any other! Full of changes and challenges, highs and lows and lots of firsts!

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