
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Matilda @ 10 months

My goodness! My baby girl is getting older. Saying she is 10months sounds so much older and closer to a year than 9 months. Eek! I feel like Tilly has really changed a lot this month. Here's some information about it!

At 10 months Matilda...

  • was not measured.
  • you guessed it... yep... still in crawlers!
  • is wearing mainly size 0 and a few size 1 clothes.
  • has continued to add to her growing list of firsts
    • crawled up the stairs (15/10/12)
    • crawling 'properly' (18/10/12) and all the time from the following week
    • plane ride (28/10/12)
    • swim in pool, play in sand at the beach, paddle in the wave break, taste of ice cream (29/10/12)
    • cruising along furniture 
  • is still called Tilly Bear but increasingly also Tills, Bear, Blossom and Bloss.
  • LOVES her friend Leah! Leah's mum (Sarah) and I studied together 10 years ago in North Queensland at a bible college and have been friends ever since. Leah was born just 6 weeks after Tilly and it's so special to watch them grow up together, via daily Facetime calls. When we visited Sarah, Shane and Leah last week in Cairns, the girls seemed to recognise each other and happily played together for the week. They would 'speak' to each other, follow each other around the room, share toys and copy each others actions. Too cute! 
  • enjoys our daily walk to see the ducks and ducklings and to sometimes meet daddy when he comes home from work.
  • loves bath time. She still likes to suck on a flannel but lately has been wanting to drink the bath water and play with her rubber ducks and stacking cups in the bath. 
  • loves to brush her teeth. This happens every bath time but also when we takes herself to the bathroom, stands by the bath, finds her toothbrush and gets chewing on the bristles!
  • took to water in the pool like a champ too. She loved the splashing and being thrown around by us.
  • is starting to copy sounds and actions. eg. what does a rooster say is answered with a subtle ar-ar-ess! and when you ask what does a fish say she bops her mouth open and closed. 
  • seems to be happier.
  • has dropped to 2 sleeps per day, usually around 70mins each (sometimes with a resettle in the middle).
  • points to items around the place.
  • loves getting close to us. Lately it's been all about faces. She will grab a nose and still loves to place her forehead on ours and wriggle her head so it looks like you have one large eye. This always makes her laugh.
  • Gives great, tight cuddles with her arm around your neck!
  • says "ta" and "uh-oh".
  • is more likely to swallow food which is mainly beef other than pureed pears and rice cereal. She is still a champion chewer and spitter. 
  • was babysat at night for the first time by ma and pa when Tobes and I ducked out quickly to a 30th party.
  • has, since our holiday, seemed to come out of her shell and to become more of an extrovert. Her little personality is developing and it's like she knows that she's funny!
  • dances along with us when we sing or dance. She bops on the spot and raises her hands in the air to the music beat. 
  • is getting brave and letting go of things when she is standing. She leans on chairs and stands hands free but is practicing standing alone for a second at a time.
  • has lots more hair. 
And here she is!

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