
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Just Be

Source: Unknown- please help if you can

I've been struggling with this for quite some time now, the delicate balance between being and doing. Sitting and serving. Resting and working.

For me lately, the issue hasn't been so much in the doing, but rather whose strength I'm 'doing' anything in.

When we don't spend enough time 'being' with God, then we lack the vital strength and efficiency we need to serve Him well and we run the risk of doing in our own strength, which never ends well (in the long term).

I've been going through quite a long dry patch spiritually. It's true that some of this is due to external situations outside of my control which have left me feeling deflated and discouraged. But I can choose how I face these experieces and how I respond to them. Don't get me wrong, I'd not intentionally turned my back on God, but I wasn't doing much to cultivate my heart relationship with Him.

This week in particular, I've challenged myself to get my heart back on the same page as my mind and what I claim is my cheif priority, to honour God in my life.

What does that look like? It looks like me art journalling and reflecting on passages in my journal. It looks like Tobes and I listening to sermons together and discussing where God would have us next. It looks like me praying in the car on the way to work and for the kids that I teach.

I was reminded last night of Hebrews 3 which challenges us, TODAY if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. I can't change what happened yesterday, and I can make empty promises for tomorrow. All I know and have is today, and I can shape that now. I was also reminded that when we don't stir our heart, it hardens. If I do nothing to aggitate my spiritual walk, then I will drift and become complacent. I've been there too long and I'm ready for a change.

I don't know what it will look like as time goes on, but I do know that I can trust God and that He wants nothing more than to be back in hearts reach to me.

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